Sunday, August 9, 2009

Giving thanks.

Summer is the best. I love summer. It is more than just time off, it is refreshment, renewal, giving time for those things you wish you could do during the school year. Summer is always my time, and I joke that this is the reason I teach. If I had a "real" job, I would still have to get up and decide what to wear and face the world on its terms every day in June, July, and August. But as a teacher, it doesn't matter, to some degree, what I decide to wear and what time I get up. Dare I say a "yippee"?

This summer has been an exceptional one, however. I have been to see my family in Iowa (oh, don't bother to go there...not beautiful at all...), and have regained myself because of time spent with people I love and who love me and are EXACTLY like me. There is no other real affirmation from the world to equal time spent with those who share the same genetic input, the same history, the same viewpoints on many things. I thank God for that time, and ask for more.

The one better affirmation and validation comes from our Father. He is there whenever I need Him. He understands me better than I do. He has translated me from the kingdom of darkness to His glorious Kingdom of Light. I love Him because He first loved me. I will seek His face more diligently every day.

My beautiful sister Jan said she is going to try to do ten little things each day to reinforce her idea of self-worth. I think that is a great idea, though I can't think of ten. I can think of five, though!

Anyway, I thank my beautiful family for time well spent. I'll be back.


  1. I loved every minute I got to spend with you Debbiedebbie!!! Thanks so much for coming down to visit. I can't wait to see you again!

  2. Thanks for following me Debbie! This blogging thing can be pretty scary!
